
2009 IPY Summer Field Class
Alaska Soil Geography
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks and Dalton Highway (North Slope)
13-21 July 2009

Registration Begins: Monday, 23 February 2009

For further information, please contact:
Chien-Lu Ping
Phone: 907-746-9462
Email: ffcp [at]

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is pleased to announce the third
season of the IPY Summer Field Course: Alaska Soil Geography, taught by
Professor Chien-Lu Ping. The class will be held in Fairbanks and on the
Dalton Highway, 13-21 July 2009. Class size is limited to 15 students,
so please register early. Registration opens Monday, 23 February 2009.

Course Description:
Study soil geography and soil forming factors such as parent material,
landform, vegetation, climate, time, permafrost, and fire along an
ecological transect from boreal forest to arctic tundra in northern
Alaska. The class emphasizes hands-on experiences on excavating and
sampling permafrost-affected soils and diagnosing soil morphological
properties. At each site, soil classification and land use
interpretations such as infrastructure development and wetlands will be
discussed. Students must provide their own camping gear, be able to walk
on uneven or rocky ground, and be physically fit for fieldwork.
Prerequisites include a course in soils or the permission of the

In addition to tuition for the one credit course, there is a $700 field
trip fee, which includes the class guidebook, four days of camping, two
days of lodging, and all meals from 15-21 July 2009.

Registration begins Monday, 23 February 2009. To register, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Chien-Lu Ping
Phone: 907-746-9462
Email: ffcp [at]