
Deadline Extension
CryoSat-2 Data Announcement of Opportunity
European Space Agency

Extended Deadline: Tuesday, 31 March 2009

For further information, please go to:

The European Space Agency (ESA) announces an extended deadline for the
CryoSat-2 Data Announcement of Opportunity (AO). The new deadline for
submission of proposals is Tuesday, 31 March 2009. For further
information, please go to:

The opportunity aims at promoting the use of CryoSat-2 data, in
combination with ESA Earth Observation and TPM data. In particular, the
objectives of this AO are:
- Exploration of CryoSat-2 in support of mission objectives;
- Wider uses of the CryoSat-2 echo and elevation data;
- Innovative uses of the CryoSat-2 SIRAL SAR and SARIn modes; and
- Addressing ESA's Living Planet key scientific challenges.

Within the framework of this AO, and as stated in the standard Terms and
Conditions for the use of Category-1 data:
- ESA will provide a limited and agreed amount of data free of charge to
accepted AO Principal Investigators (PIs);
- The data provided can be used only for the purpose defined in the
accepted proposal; and
- The PI will provide regular progress reports and widely publish his /
her results.

The new deadline for submission of proposals is Tuesday, 31 March 2009.
For further information, please go to: