
New Program Offering
Master's Program in Polar Law
University of Akureyri
Akureyri, Iceland

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 15 April 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Natalia Loukacheva
Email: natalial [at]

The University of Akureyri (Iceland) announces a new, international,
master's program in polar law. Polar law describes the legal regimes
applicable to the Arctic and Antarctica. Program emphasis will be placed
on areas of international and domestic law concerning the polar regions,
such as issues of human rights, environmental law, the law of the sea,
sustainable development, and natural resources. Discussions will focus
on questions of sovereignty and boundary disputes on land and sea, the
rights of arctic indigenous peoples, self-government and good
governance, security, climate change, economies and business
development, resource claims, and biodiversity in the polar regions.

The master's program is designed both for lawyers and non-lawyers.
Graduates will be qualified for work in the public and private sectors,
with different levels of international government and regional
organizations, with academic and non-governmental institutions, and with
national and transnational corporations that promote the interests of
the polar regions and their inhabitants.

Intensive courses will be taught by the leading international academic
experts and practitioners in the field of polar law. There is no tuition
fee. The deadline for application is Wednesday, 15 April 2009.

The University of Akureyri is located in Northern Iceland in attractive
natural surroundings. For further information about the school, please

Further information about the program can be obtained at:

Or by contacting:
Dr. Natalia Loukacheva
Director, Polar Law Program
Email: natalial [at]