
Extended Abstract Deadline
2nd Western Alaskan Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum
"Energizing Our Future"
Nome, Alaska
6-10 April 2009

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, 1 March 2009
Deadline for EPSCoR Travel Grants: Friday, 30 January 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Claudia Ihl
Email: ftci [at]
Phone: 907-443-8417

Organizers of the second annual Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science
Conference and Forum (WAISC), "Energizing Our Future," have extended the
deadline for abstract submissions. The extended submission deadline is
Sunday, 1 March 2009. The conference will be held 6-10 April 2009, in
Nome, Alaska. Limited travel funding for presenters is available. The
deadline to apply for EPSCoR travel grants is Friday, 30 January 2009.

The conference will highlight regional scientific efforts and
traditional knowledge that provide an interdisciplinary approach to
scientific inquiry and resource management. In addition to scientific
sessions, the conference will include several workshops addressing
topics relevant to life in rural western Alaska. Organizers welcome
submissions from all individuals and organizations collecting data in
western Alaska. Scientific sessions and workshop topics will include:
- Fisheries;
- Science Education in Rural Alaska;
- Mining in Western Alaska;
- Waste Management and Disposal;
- Energy;
- Freshwater Quality and Watersheds;
- Subsistence and Traditional Ecological Knowledge;
- Public Health;
- Reindeer Herding;
- Ecology and Wildlife; and
- Beringia.

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations or workshops are invited and
should be submitted before Sunday, 1 March 2009. Abstracts should be no
more than 500 words (single-spaced) for oral or poster presentations (15
minutes) and 1000 words for workshops (up to 1.5 hours).

Poster and Oral presentation abstracts must include the following:
1) Author name, title, and institutional affiliation;
2) Presentation title; and
3) Research question, methods, data, and results.

Abstracts for workshops must include:
1) Name of workshop leader and team members, their titles, and
institutional affiliation;
2) Workshop title;
3) A description of workshop activities, materials provided by the
workshop team, other materials needed; and
4) Anticipated length of workshop (up to 1 hr 30 min).

Please send abstracts, as either a PDF or Word attachment, to:
Claudia Ihl
Email: ftci [at]

Notifications of proposal acceptance or denial will be sent by 15 March
2009. If a proposal is accepted, the presenter must register for the
conference in order to participate.

Limited travel funding for presenters is available.
- Presenters from rural Alaska, please contact:
Claudia Ihl
Email: ftci [at]
Phone: 907-443-8417

  • UAF graduate students, please contact:
    UAF Graduate School
    Email: graddean [at]
    Phone: 907-474-7525

  • Presenters from within the University of Alaska system may apply for
    EPSCoR travel grants. The deadline for application is Friday, 30
    January 2009. Details are available at:

For further information about the WAISC conference, please go to:

Or contact:
Claudia Ihl
Email: ftci [at]
Phone: 907-443-8417