
Workshop Reminder
Arctic Research and Monitoring Workshop
Alaska Marine Science Symposium
Anchorage, Alaska
Friday, 23 January 2009

For more information and to register, please go to:

Or contact:
Molly McCammon, Alaska Ocean Observing System
Email: mccammon [at]

Francis Wiese, North Pacific Research Board
Email: francis.wiese [at]

As part of the 2009 Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS), a workshop
is planned on marine research and monitoring efforts in the Arctic,
particularly in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The goal of this workshop
is to share information and promote collaboration among the many
entities with increasing activities in marine research and monitoring in
the region, including the oil and gas industry, local, state, and
federal agencies, and non-governmental and academic organizations.

The workshop will also include a panel discussion of data user and
provider issues and needs in the region. This workshop is an initial
step toward the longer term development of a more comprehensive
monitoring and assessment plan, through which each participating
organization can focus on projects to meet their particular goals while
contributing to a larger data sharing and integration effort.

The organizers expect to develop a workshop report that will be
available for community review and input before being submitted for
consideration by a number of entities, including the North Slope Science
Initiative, North Pacific Research Board, and Alaska Ocean Observing

The workshop will be held Friday, 23 January 2009, in the Hotel Captain
Cook Foredeck, in Anchorage, Alaska.

Workshop Format:
- Programmatic summaries: who is doing what and where;
- Arctic data user and provider issues and needs: panel presentations
and discussion;
- Synthesis presentations: analysis of what has been done (past
synthesis reports, existing resources), what is proposed, and
identification of major gaps; and
- Action group: where do we go from here; what are information gaps and
needs; development of an action plan.

Desired Outcomes:
- Development of a searchable database of current arctic research
- A geographic depiction of where projects are occurring;
- Synthesis of arctic syntheses;
- Preliminary identification of gaps and needs in arctic research and
monitoring; and
- Strategies for further coordination and collaboration.

Who should attend?
- Anyone interested in arctic (Beaufort and Chukchi Seas) research and
monitoring; and
- Resource managers, scientists, coastal communities and residents,
industry, environmental NGOs, and interested public.

For more information, including the agenda and registration, please go

Or contact:
Molly McCammon, Alaska Ocean Observing System
Email: mccammon [at]

Francis Wiese, North Pacific Research Board
Email: francis.wiese [at]