
Call for Abstracts
"Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Boundary Layers and Interactions"
MOCA Joint Symposium '09
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
19-24 July 2009

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 23 January 2009

For further information, please go to:

The International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
(IAMAS), the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the
Oceans (IAPSO), and the International Association for the Cryospheric
Sciences (IACS) invite submissions to session J14, "Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere
Boundary Layers and Interactions," to be held at the MOCA Joint
Assembly, 19-24 July 2009 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
( The abstract submission deadline is Friday, 23
January 2009.

Session Description:
In polar regions, boundary layers and their interaction with the surface
can be studied under unique conditions. Investigations can be performed
for a variety of boundary layer phenomena, such as thermal internal
boundary layers, katabatic winds, and stable and strong convective
boundary layers under near-ideal conditions. In addition, the feedbacks
between the atmosphere and the surface, such as snow physics processes,
polynya formation processes, sea ice production, and bottom water
formation represent key processes for the polar climate system. The
representation of these processes is a major challenge for current
weather and climate models.

This symposium will bring together researchers working in the areas of
high-latitude boundary layer processes and related sea ice, ocean and
snow processes. Contributions are welcome for observational studies,
studies using numerical models (including parameterizations and
verification), and studies of chemical processes, particularly under the
aspect of climate change.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Friday, 23 January 2009. For further information, including abstract
submission guidelines, please go to: