
MSc Position Available
Water Sciences and Earth Sciences
Cape Bounty Watershed Observatory
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Quebec, Canada

Review of Applications Will Begin: Sunday, 1 March 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Pierre Francus
Phone: +418-654-654-3780
Email: pierre.francus [at]

The Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), in Quebec,
Canada seeks an MSc student of water or earth sciences to participate in
an International Polar Year (IPY) multidisciplinary project, in
collaboration with Queen's University and University of Toronto. The
project aims at characterizing the natural climate variability and
hydroclimatic condition of the past in the Arctic. The candidate will
conduct his / her research by studying sediment cores from Cape Bounty
lakes, Melville Island, Nunavut. S/He will use cutting edge image
analysis techniques to measure the grain-size at annual resolution and
will also use computers and electron microscopy.

The candidate must have a background in earth sciences (physical
geography, hydrology, geology, or similar discipline). S/He must be
computer literate and have some knowledge or interest in climatology,
limnology, and/or sedimentology. Fluency in spoken English and
experience of fieldwork in remote area is an asset but is not required.

A scholarship of $15000 a year is available for two years. Scholarships
for "exemption from differential tuition fees" are available for foreign
students. The candidate will enroll in the Master in Water Sciences or
the Master in Earth Sciences program. INRS offers a pleasant working
environment in downtown Quebec City and world-class laboratory
facilities. The teaching language at INRS-ETE is French, but faculty
members in the research program are fluent in English. However, some
fluency in French is necessary as all the classes are taught in French.
Students are encouraged to write a paper-based dissertation or thesis
including papers in the language of their choice with a short synthesis
in French. INRS lends a laptop computer to all its students during their

Interested candidates must contact Professor Pierre Francus for more
information. Applicants will be required to provide an application file
containing a curriculum vitae, a list of technical skills, a motivation
letter, and the name of two reference persons, at the address outlined
below. Review of the applications will begin on Sunday, 1 March 2009,
and will continue until the position is filled. The starting date is to
be as soon as possible or for the summer session (May 2009) at the

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Professor Pierre Francus
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Centre Eau Terre Environnement
490 de la Couronne
Quebec (Qc)
Phone: +418-654-654-3780
Email: pierre.francus [at]