
Community Review Requested
Scientific Ice Expedition Draft Science Plan
SCICEX Science Advisory Committee

Deadline for Review Comments: Sunday, 1 March 2009

For further information, please contact:
Jackie Richter-Menge
Chair, SCICEX Science Advisory Committee
Email: Jacqueline.A.Richter-Menge [at]

The Scientific Ice Expedition (SCICEX) Science Advisory Committee (SAC)
is pleased to announce the release of the draft SCICEX Science Plan for
community review. Comments are requested no later than Sunday, 1 March

The current SCICEX program facilitates the collection of scientific data
(primarily baseline data collection of fundamental ice thickness, ocean
properties, and bathymetric properties) on a not-to-interfere basis
during planned U.S. submarine expeditions or transits. The Science
Accommodation Mission (SAM) process does not allow for significant
advanced planning of scientific activities. Instead, the Navy's Arctic
Submarine Laboratory (ASL) will work with the operational Navy to
identify and plan SCICEX SAM opportunities. Input to ASL from the
scientific community is provided via the science plan. The centerpiece
of the SCICEX Science Plan is a detailed, prioritized list of sampling
recommendations, based on the current state of knowledge derived from
observations and models.

If you are interested in providing comments on the science plan, please
contact any member of the SAC to arrange for access to the draft science
plan via the SCICEX website hosted by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
The deadline for review comments is Sunday, 1 March 2009.

SAC Members:
Jackie Richter-Menge, SAC Chair, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory
Email: Jacqueline.A.Richter-Menge [at]

Tim Boyd, Scottish Association for Marine Science
Email: tim.boyd [at]

Margo Edwards, University of Hawaii
Email: margo [at]

Ray Sambrotto, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Email: sambrott [at]

Bill Smethie, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Email: bsmeth [at]

Terry Tucker, Enfield, New Hampshire
Email: terry.tucker [at]

Mark Wensnahan, University of Washington
Email: thinice [at]