
Post-Doctoral Fellowships Available
Dickey Center Visiting Fellows
Institute of Arctic Studies
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire

Review of Applications Will Begin: Sunday, 1 February 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact the Dickey Center at:
Email: arctic [at]

The Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College
has Fellowships available for recent doctoral graduates and established
scholars to spend a minimum of one term and up to one year in residence,
researching and writing about international issues related to one of
the Center's research areas: conflict and conflict resolution, human
dimensions of environmental change at the earths high latitudes, and
global health.

The Institute of Arctic Studies is focused on climate change and its
social and political consequences for arctic residents. It is home to
Dartmouth's National Science Foundation (NSF) Integrative Graduate
Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) in polar environmental change
and partners with Greenland. Fellows who add to these initiatives are
especially encouraged to apply. Particular areas of interest include:
arctic change and traditional knowledge; polar politics and
institutions; climate change and ecosystem services; environmental
change; and language loss. While at Dartmouth, fellows are expected to
participate in seminars and colloquia relevant to their area of
interest, and to work toward the completion of a scholarly monograph or
similar project.

For more information about the Institute of Arctic Studies and the IGERT
Program and to apply, visit the Dickey Center website at:

Review of applications begins Sunday, 1 February 2009, and will remain
open until all Dickey Fellows have been appointed. For additional
information, please contact the Center at: arctic [at]

Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer
and has a strong commitment to diversity. Applications are welcomed from
a broad spectrum of people, including women, persons of color, persons
with disabilities, and veterans.