
Arctic Policy Update
"President Bush Signs Arctic Policy"

For further information about the Presidential directive, please go to:

For further information about this press release, please contact:
Mead Treadwell
Phone: 907-223-8128
Email: meadwell [at]

The U.S. Arctic Research Commission would like to call your attention to
an important Presidential directive and press release: "President Bush
Signs Arctic Policy that Emphasizes Scientific Research and
International Cooperation." The press release, from Friday, 9 January
2009, is below. The Presidential directive can be viewed on the White
House website at:

Press Release: Anchorage, 9 January 2009
The new Arctic Policy signed by the President today, "reminds the world
that the Arctic matters to the United States," said Mead Treadwell,
Chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC). "Our opportunities
and responsibilities in the Arctic are increasing with climate change.
The Arctic Ocean is becoming more accessible to the world, and this
policy responds to these new realities."

USARC proposed a review of U.S. Arctic Policy in a goals and objectives
report sent to the President two years ago. The last time arctic policy
of the United States was reviewed and revised by the National Security
Council was 1994, and much change in the Arctic has occurred since, both
in the environment and in international relations.

"The Commission commends the National Security Council and the
Department of State for their leadership of this policy review, and
looks forward to working with the next administration, the Congress, the
State of Alaska, and the international research community to see the
research goals in the policy realized," Treadwell said.

"The policy should give a boost to arctic research on climate,
environment, economic opportunities, and the requirements of arctic
peoples. The policy reflects the need for increased international
collaboration on scientific research and monitoring, and for ensuring
better access for scientists in the Arctic Ocean."

On the Law of the Sea Convention, the policy promotes arctic exploration
and research as a means to expand our nation's offshore arctic territory
consistent with the United Nations process. The policy also gives
strength to efforts now pending in Congress to provide the U.S. with
icebreaker capacity to operate year-round in arctic waters. Icebreakers
will serve many missions in the Arctic, including their current role as
a primary platform for U.S. Arctic Ocean research.

To follow up, the Commission continues to support the eight-nation
Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, associated with the Arctic Council,
to be published this spring. "That document will give nations the
background to ensure that arctic shipping will be safe, secure, and
reliable," Treadwell said.

Because the U.S. has many important and strategic interests in the
Arctic, the USARC has called for research efforts in five broad
categories: (1) environmental change of the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea;
(2) arctic human health; (3) civil infrastructure; (4) natural resource
assessment and earth science; and (5) indigenous languages, identities,
and cultures.

Details on these research goals will be released shortly in the
Commission's report to the incoming administration and to Congress,
"Summary Report on Goals and Objectives for Arctic Research 2009 for the
U.S. Arctic Research Program." The report also calls for greater
interagency efforts to coordinate and collaborate on arctic research
programs, greater federal financial support of scientific research
conducted by academia and non-profits, and means to capitalize and
support the ongoing costs of infrastructure (e.g., icebreakers,
laboratories, satellites, observatories, networks, sensors, and
autonomous vehicles), necessary to conduct arctic research.

The Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 established USARC. This
federal agency's principal duties are to develop and recommend an
integrated national arctic research policy and to assist in establishing
a national arctic research program plan to implement the policy.
Commissioners also facilitate cooperation between the federal
government, state and local governments, and other nations with respect
to arctic research, both basic and applied. The U.S. conducts
approximately $400 million in arctic research annually.

To view the Presidential directive, please go to:

For further information about the press release, please contact:
Mead Treadwell
US Arctic Research Commission
Phone: 907-223-8128
Email: meadwell [at]