
Undergraduate, Graduate, and Post-Doctoral Fellowship Opportunities Available
American Center for Mongolian Studies
Bellingham, Washington
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Application Deadlines:
Sunday, 15 February 2009 (ACMS Research Fellowship Program)
Sunday, 1 March 2009 (U.S.-Mongolia Field Research Fellowship Program
and ACMS Intensive Mongolian Language Program)

For further information, please visit the website:

The American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS) announces several
fellowship opportunities: the ACMS Research Fellowship Program, The
U.S.-Mongolia Field Research Fellowship Program, and the ACMS Intensive
Mongolian Language Program. ACMS aims to improve funding and study
opportunities for scholars in Mongolia. These programs offer scholars
opportunities to conduct research, study, and gain professional
experience in Mongolia. Details on each fellowship are below.

The ACMS Research Fellowship Program annually supports three fellows to
conduct up to twelve months of doctoral dissertation or post-doctoral
research in Mongolia on topics in the Social Sciences or Humanities.
Natural Science research is not eligible, unless there are clear areas
in which the research furthers social, cultural, political, or policy
knowledge relevant to Mongolia or the region. Fellowships cover travel,
living, and research expenses and include funds for purchasing books.
For further information, please go to:
The application deadline for this fellowship is Sunday, 15 February 2009.

The ACMS U.S.-Mongolia Field Research Fellowship Program was initiated
in 2006 to foster a new generation of Mongolian Studies scholars by
creating an opportunity for field studies early in the careers of both
U.S. and Mongolian students. The participants in the program range from
advanced undergraduates to pre-doctoral candidacy students. Fellowships
cover travel, living, and research expenses. For further information
please go to:
The application deadline for this fellowship is Sunday, 1 March 2009.

The ACMS language program comprises 80 lessons. Students are introduced
to intermediate through advanced grammar, vocabulary, and conversational
usages during the lessons with the use of topical categories such
greetings, sports, and history. The program offers the equivalent of 9
semester credit hours over eight weeks. Fellowships are available for
travel and living expenses and tuition waivers. For further information
please go to:
The application deadline for this fellowship is Sunday, 1 March 2009.