
Colloquium Reminder
41st International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
Science Based Management of Coastal Waters
Liege, Belgium
4-9 May 2009

Early Registration Deadline: Sunday, 15 March 2009

For further information, please go to:

This is the second announcement for the 41st International Liege
Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The colloquium, "Science Based Management
of Coastal Waters," will provide a forum to present and discuss recent
scientific advances in the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management,
to compare the modeling and experimental approaches set up in various
case studies and to identify the need for future developments.

The emphasis will be primarily on understanding the dynamics of coastal
waters and on the development of appropriate tools and methodologies to
address the following issues:
- Coastal oceanography;
- Prevention and mitigation of coastal hazards and pollution (including
coastal eutrophication);
- Long-term geomorphological changes;
- Global changes in the coastal zone (including downscaling issues);
- Operational oceanography and monitoring systems; and
- Social and economic aspects of ICZM multifunctionality and evaluation.

The format of presentations, the general organization of the colloquium,
and the expected size of the group will favor fruitful exchange between

The deadline for early registration is Sunday, 15 March 2009. After this
date, those wishing to participate must pay a higher registration fee.

For further detail on topics, registration, and other information,
please visit the website: