
Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
"Boundary Layers in High Latitudes: Physical and Chemical Processes,
Observational and Monitoring Programs, Modeling and Analysis"
European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2009
Vienna, Austria
19-24 April 2009

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 13 January 2009

For session information, please go to:

Or contact:
William Neff
Phone: 303-497-6265
Email: william.neff [at]

Papers are invited for session AS2.4, "Boundary Layers in High
Latitudes: Physical and Chemical Processes, Observational and Monitoring
Programs, Modeling and Analysis," being convened at the European
Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2009, to be held 19-24 April
2009, in Vienna, Austria. The abstract submission deadline is Tuesday,
13 January 2009.

This session is intended to provide an interdisciplinary forum to bring
together researchers working in the areas of high-latitude tropospheric
meteorology, climate, and chemistry with an emphasis on the role of
boundary layer processes.

Contributions are sought particularly, but not exclusively, in the
following areas:
- Results from recent field programs;
- Research that bridges atmospheric chemistry, climate and meteorology
in the polar regions;
- Advances in modeling and reanalysis, including model assessment;
- Long-term changes in surface processes including snow-ice/atmosphere
chemical exchange;
- Observation and modeling of surface energy budgets;
- Arctic coastal change; and
- Application of new technology.

In past years, poster sessions have followed oral sessions to allow for
oral poster introductions. For those who indicate a "no preference"
request for the presentation style, a poster supplement, to allow for
further discussion, is encouraged. Young scientist/student presentations
are particularly encouraged; one oral unit per session for such papers
has been reserved.

To submit an abstract, please follow the link under the session description at: The abstract
submission deadline is Tuesday, 13 January 2009.

For further information, please contact the session conveners:
William Neff
NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory
Email: william.neff [at]

Stefania Argentini
Email: s.argentini [at]

Phil Anderson
British Antarctic Survey
Email: PSAN [at]

Anna Jones
British Antarctic Survey
Email: a.jones [at]

Gunther Heinemann
University of Trier, Environmental Meteorology
Email: heinemann [at]