
Applications Now Available
Gordon Research Conference in Polar Marine Science 2009
"Beyond IPY: Crossing Boundaries"
Barga, Tuscany, Italy
15-20 March 2009

Application Deadline: 22 February 2009

For further information, please go to:

Applications and registration are now being accepted for the 2009 Gordon
Research Conference in Polar Marine Science, "Beyond IPY: Crossing
Boundaries," to be held 15-20 March 2009 in Barga, near Lucca, Tuscany,
Italy. The conference will take place directly following the 2007-2009
International Polar Year (IPY), which has been one of the most
significant internationally coordinated efforts yet undertaken in polar

Many IPY campaigns have concentrated on marine sciences, and this
conference will seek to capture the excitement of the polar marine
science discoveries that have resulted from IPY research over the last
two years. These results will provide a stimulus for discussing the
directions that polar marine science might take in the coming years.

It has become increasingly apparent that for the polar marine sciences
to move forward, traditional disciplinary research boundaries must be
crossed. To this end organizers of this conference aim to have speakers
representing both the Arctic and Southern Oceans and as many disciplines
of the marine sciences as possible.

The effects of climate change will form a considerable part of the
discussions at the conference. Recent changes, as well as new findings
from paleo-studies, will also be discussed in the context of the
geological history of the regions.

Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for lively and informal
discussion, in counterpoint to the more formal oral sessions. Poster
sessions and related discussions will provide a forum for presentation
of the latest results, seeding of new ideas, and establishment of new

The overarching conference goal will be to bring together marine
scientists from wide ranging disciplines for discussion of future
research pathways within a cross-disciplinary context in order to better
understand the implications of large-scale marine dynamics in the polar

Further details about the conference and the application form can be
found at:

The application deadline is 22 February 2009. You are encouraged to
apply early; applications to the conference will be limited. Please note
that you may register for specific sessions after applying to attend the