
Session Announcement
The Library - Data Center Alliance in Earth and Space Sciences
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
San Francisco, California
Monday-Tuesday, 15-16 December 2008

For further information, please go to:


Organizers of the Library - Data Center Alliance in Earth and Space
Sciences sessions encourage your attendance at these special American
Geophysical Union (AGU) sessions that seek to re-engage the geosciences
with libraries. These sessions will be held during the fall meeting of
the AGU, being convened 15-19 December 2008, in San Francisco,

Libraries are the historical curators of Earth science information and
knowledge. Yet, in recent decades, scientific data centers have also
played an increasingly important role in stewarding Earth science data
and information. Now, as the distinction between data and publication
fades, research libraries and data centers are collaborating to create
new systems for the preservation, sharing, and understanding of
geoscientific information. Major initiatives, such as DataNet in the US
and the Alliance for Permanent Access Europe are fostering this
collaboration. This new approach requires fostering new relationships
between libraries, their faculty and patrons. It must recognize and
foster new forms and methods of publication.

The electronic Geophysical Year sponsors these sessions to bring
together scientists, librarians, and data mangers to survey and compare
approaches, philosophies, and long-term strategies for engaging the
scientific community and for addressing the problems of managing digital
scientific data collections. Posters and talks will be presented.

Invited Speakers:
James Neal - Dean, Columbia University Library
Christopher Fox - Director, National Geophysical Data Center
Peter Burnhil l- EDINA Data Centre, University of Edinburgh

Further information about these sessions can be found at the following

U13D The Library Data Center Alliance in Earth and Space Sciences I
Monday, 15 December, 1:40pm, Room MC3014

U23A The Library Data Center Alliance in Earth and Space Sciences II Posters
Tuesday, 16 December, 1:40pm, MC Hall D