
Conference Announcement
On Thin Ice: Addressing the Scientific, Economic, Environmental,
Cultural, and Security Implications of Climate Change in the Arctic Region
The Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies
Monterey, California
8-9 December 2008

Early registration deadline: Monday, 1 December 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Nick Tomb
Email: ntomb [at]
Phone: 831-656-1829

The Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies (CSRS) announces
a community conference, "On Thin Ice: Addressing the Scientific,
Economic, Environmental, Cultural, and Security Implications of Climate
Change in the Arctic Region," to be held 8-9 December 2008, in Monterey,
California. The conference will bring together representatives from
communities with diverse interests and perspectives to identify, raise
awareness, and discuss points of conflict and confrontation or
disagreement. The conference will provide a forum for stakeholders and
interested parties (e.g., academia and science, business and economic,
military and security, indigenous peoples, environmental and government)
to engage with each other toward win-win solutions.

The waters of the Arctic Ocean are warming and the arctic ice is
melting. As the ice melts, new opportunities arise. New trade routes
open and access to natural resources increases, as does the number of
people visiting and living in the region. With these opportunities come
new risks and challenges. Multiple sovereign and commercial claimants
scramble for newly accessible resources and navigable waters.
Environmental changes threaten wildlife habitats and imperil indigenous
peoples' economic livelihoods and cultural traditions. More ominously,
the potential for clashes to occur over disputed boundaries and
resources increases. Regulatory agencies, law enforcement, and
militaries will be confronted with new requirements and responsibilities
for which they are neither prepared nor budgeted. Overall, the changing
landscape leads to greater uncertainties and exacerbates the potential
for confrontation between a variety of stakeholders. Now is the time for
these stakeholders to work together to prevent conflict in the arctic

The Conference Will:
1. Provide a scientific assessment of the best-projected future of
climate change in the Arctic region.
2. Provide a political-diplomatic overview of the Arctic region.
3. Identify potential areas of confrontation that may emerge as the
Arctic waters warm and provide opportunities for stakeholders to explore
win-win outcomes.
4. Enhance networking among the various stakeholders affected by climate
change in the Arctic region.

Interested participants may go to the CSRS website at to apply online. Applicants will be accepted on
a first-come, first-serve basis, so early application is encouraged.
CSRS will reserve a number of spaces so that each of the interested and
affected communities can be adequately represented. Acceptance
notifications will be issued via email by CSRS on a rolling basis.
Included with the notification of acceptance will be the reservation web
link to the hotel for those needing accommodations and the procedures to
pay your registration fee. Participants who pay on or before Monday, 1
December 2008 will be charged $100; participants who pay after Monday, 1
December will be charged $150.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Nick Tomb, CSRS Program Coordinator
Email: ntomb [at]
Phone: 831-656-1829