
Deadline Reminder
20th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering
Under Arctic Conditions
Lulea, Sweden
9-12 June 2009

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 October 2008

For further information, and to submit an abstract, please go to:

Or contact:
Lennart Fransson
Email: lennart.fransson [at]

The 20th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under
Arctic Conditions (POAC) will be held 9-12 June 2009, in Lulea, the
capital of Swedish Lapland. Every second year since 1971 POAC has
provided a forum for discussion of new developments and research
findings on many ice-engineering topics. Topics to be included in this
year's conference include:
- Arctic Ice Shelf / Ice Island Update
- Arctic Oceanography and Meteorology
- Changing Ice Conditions
- Frozen Soil
- Icebreaking Technology
- Ice Forces on Marine Structures
- Maintenance under Arctic Conditions
- Numerical Simulation of Ice Loads
- Operations in the Arctic
- Sea Ice Properties
- Shipping in Ice covered Waters
- Snow and Ice Constructions
- Storage of Cold
- Testing in Cold Climate
- Wind Power in Cold Environment

The conference organizers invite abstract submissions for presentation
at the conference. Abstracts must be submitted by 31 October 2008, and
must be no longer than 300 words. A prize will be given to the author(s)
of the best student-authored paper. A paper will be considered eligible
if all of its authors are full-time students at the time of submission.
Student authorship must be indicated on the abstract submission form.

To submit an abstract, please fill in the registration form and email
it, no later than 31 October 2008, to:
Lennart Fransson
Email: lennart.fransson [at]

For additional information, and the online registration form, please
visit the conference website:

Or contact:
Lennart Fransson
Chair, Local Organizing Committee POAC 09
Lulea University of Technology
Structural Engineering
SE-97187 Lulea, SWEDEN
Phone: +46-920-491102
Fax: +46-920-491913
Email: lennart.fransson [at]