
PhD Student Position Available
Polar Ecology
Willem Barentsz Polar Institute
University of Groningen
The Netherlands

Application Deadline: Saturday, 1 November 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Maarten Loonen
Phone: +31-50-363-6056
Email: m.j.j.e.loonen [at]

The Willem Barentsz Polar Institute at the University of Groningen seeks
applications for a PhD position in polar ecology. The position is a
follow-up to the International Polar Year (IPY) project, "BIRDHEALTH,"
and includes regular field sampling on Spitsbergen and laboratory
analyses where life history trade-offs are quantified with microbial,
serological, and molecular techniques. The major task of the PhD student
will be to develop, optimize and apply laboratory techniques on samples
of migratory birds and their environment to study the interaction
between pathogens, parasites, and the immune system of birds.

This PhD student position is for a period of 4 years. The selected
student will be expected to write a number of research articles in
peer-reviewed scientific journals, in addition to comprising a PhD
thesis, which will lead to the granting of the PhD degree at the
University of Groningen.

Applicants must have a Masters degree in ecology, animal physiology or
veterinary science with an interest in life history trade-offs in wild
animal populations. Expertise in laboratory analysis, data analysis, and
fieldwork is expected. Interested applicants must have excellent
communication skills with a good command of oral and written English.

A direct application (including a letter of motivation, a description of
previous relevant research experience, CV with list of any publications
and full contact information of 2 references) must be sent before
Saturday, 1 November 2008 to:
Dr. Maarten Loonen
Arctic Centre, University of Groningen
Aweg 30, 9718 CW
The Netherlands
Email: m.j.j.e.loonen [at]

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained at:

Or by contacting:
Professor Anita G.J. Buma
Email: a.g.j.buma [at]

Professor Maarten J.J.E. Loonen
Email: m.j.j.e.loonen [at]

More information about related projects and groups can also be found at
the following links:


Ocean Ecosystems Group:

Arctic Centre:

CEES Institute:

University of Groningen:

Willem Barentsz Polar Institute: