
Postdoctoral Positions Available
Climate Variability and Change and Coastal Hazards
Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research and
The International Arctic Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska

For further information, please go to:

The Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research (CIFAR) and the
International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at the University of Alaska
Fairbanks have two positions available for visiting postdoctoral
scientists. The positions are for one year, with the possibility of a
second year subject to the availability of funding. Each successful
candidate will address one of two of the research themes of CIFAR (a
NOAA Cooperative Institute) and the International Arctic Research

The first theme is climate variability and change in the Alaskan Arctic.
Particular interests are diagnostic studies of variability over seasonal
to inter-annual timescales, assessments of predictability over these
timescales, and improved methodologies of monthly to seasonal forecasts
for Alaska.

The second theme for postdoctoral research pertains to coastal hazards.
Topics for research under this theme are changes in sea level, coastal
flooding and erosion, changes in storminess and sea ice in Alaskan
waters, and strategies for enabling stakeholders to anticipate changes
in coastal hazards in Alaska.

Because climate variability and coastal hazards are also aligned with
NOAA mission goals, the postdoctoral scientists will be expected to
interact with National Weather Service personnel in the National Weather
Service Forecast Offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks (the latter is
housed in the same building as CIFAR and IARC), and with ongoing IARC
projects supported by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth-Science and
Technology (JAMSTEC).

For further information and application details, please go to: