
SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook Summary Report Available
Coordinated by the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) and
Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term
Environmental Studies (DAMOCLES)

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
James Overland (Lead, Sea Ice Outlook Core Integration Group)
Email: james.e.overland [at]

Hajo Eicken (Member, Sea Ice Outlook Core Integration Group)
Email: hajo.eicken [at]

The SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook Core Integration Group announces the
availability of the "Sea Ice Outlook Summary Report." The report can be
accessed at:

The Summary Report provides an initial retrospective review of the 2008
Sea Ice Outlook. It is based on statements from contributors to the 2008
Sea Ice Outlook, and includes preliminary analyses of:
-Summer 2008 sea ice and meteorological conditions, including a
discussion of the physical factors that led to the 2008 minimum and how
it differs from previous years;
-Comparison of Outlook projections to the observed September sea ice
-Implications for the future of arctic sea ice based on the 2008
Outlook; and
-Lessons learned from the 2008 Outlook.

A series of follow-up activities are planned for the fall and winter to
further explore the 2008 season, lessons learned, and implications for a
2009 Sea Ice Outlook. The next community activity will be an open
meeting at the upcoming American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.
More details about the AGU meeting and other upcoming events will be
announced via relevant listserves and on the Sea Ice Outlook "Schedule
of Activities" webpage:

The Summary Report can be found at:

Or contact:
James Overland (Lead, Sea Ice Outlook Core Integration Group)
Email: james.e.overland [at]

Hajo Eicken (Member, Sea Ice Outlook Core Integration Group)
Email: hajo.eicken [at]