
Research Position Available
Marine Sciences
International Arctic Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks

This position is open until filled.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Lisa Yancey
Phone: 907-474-7791
Email: lisa.yancey [at]

The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks is seeking a qualified marine technician for its NABOS
observational program. IARC scientists are engaged in high-latitude
oceanographic fieldwork. Oceanographic moorings equipped with the latest
technologies are the primary measurement platform used by the program.
Candidates with a strong interest in working with oceanographic
equipment and participating in Arctic fieldwork are encouraged to apply.
The position will require spending one to two months per year at sea.
Some experience is necessary, but it is expected that a certain amount
of on-the-job training will also be required. IARC is primarily
interested in a full-time technician, but more flexible working
conditions are also possible.

Candidates must meet the following qualifications:
- BS degree or equivalent experience;
- Computer competency;
- Fieldwork experience;
- Knowledge of statistical methods;
- Data collection, processing and analysis;
- Experience with planning, building, deploying, and maintaining
oceanographic instruments and mooring equipment;
- Experience with logistical support, the marine environment, and
knowledge of high-latitude regions;
- Excellent organizational, planning, and prioritizing skills;
- Ability to adapt and learn quickly;
- Ability to communicate well in oral and written form;
- Ability to work independently, as well as in a team-oriented
environment; and
- Experience with logistical support, marine environment, and
understanding of basic scientific methods.

To apply, please go to:
This position is open until filled.

Please address all queries to:
Lisa Yancey
Phone: 907-474-7791
Email: lisa.yancey [at]