
Survey Announcement
Early Career Survey
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)

To participate in the survey, please go to:

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is conducting a
survey to help understand current thinking in the early career polar
scientist community. Are you excited by your fieldwork, do you work long
hours, do you have control over your research direction, do you worry
about money, what do you like best about your research environment? The
answers to these questions will both inform the larger polar community
of how the polar research field is viewed and provide a benchmark by
which changes in polar research between now and the next IPY can by
historically gauged.

If you are involved in polar research as a graduate student,
postdoctoral researcher, junior faculty member (or at a comparable stage
of career in industry), APECS wants to hear from you!

Please dedicate a few minutes to completing the survey:

The survey is anonymous, and no answers can be linked back to you.
Please answer as honestly as you can. Thank you for taking the time to
complete this survey!