
PhD Student Position Available
Modeling CO2 Fluxes in the Arctic
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma)
University of Victoria
British Columbia, Canada

For further information and to apply, please contact:
Nadja Steiner
Email: nadja.steiner [at]
Phone: 250-363-1433

Ken Denman
Email: ken.denman [at]
Phone: 250-363-8230

The Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) at the
University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada, seeks a PhD student
to work on modeling CO2 fluxes in the Arctic environment.

The successful candidate will initially be working within the ArcticNet
project "Effects of Climate Change and Carbon Exchange Dynamics in
Arctic Coastal and Marine Ecosystems," which addresses how the ocean's
response (physical, biogeochemical and biological) to climate change and
variability will affect the atmosphere-ocean cycling of CO2.

It is planned to extend a 1-D coupled atmosphere-ocean-biogeochemical
model by adding to an existing snow-sea ice-ice-algae model and updating
the planktonic ecosystem to be representative for arctic conditions. The
extended 1-D model will be used to parameterize for example the effects
of surfactants and fresh water plumes, gas exchange through ice, and
calcium carbonate precipitation within sea-ice. Specific objectives are
to see how components of the marine cryosphere interact to generate
air-sea fluxes and to provide an assessment of how CO2 exchange dynamics
will respond to climate change. An extension to 3D is anticipated (if
feasible) to simulate carbon budgets and determine whether newly
developed parameterizations are capable of responding to a changing

The applicant is expected to be able to work in a team and should have a
background in ocean or atmospheric physics or biogeochemistry.

For additional information and to apply please contact:
Nadja Steiner
Phone: 250-36-31433
Email: nadja.steiner [at]

Ken Denman
Phone: 250-363-8230
Email: ken.denman [at]

For Information on the CCCma, the University of Victoria, or ArcticNet
please visit the following webpages:


University of Victoria:


Prospective students are required to follow the formal process for
application to the center of graduate studies at the University of