
Postdoctoral and PhD Student Positions Available
Ice Core Glaciology
Uppsala University

Application Deadline: Friday, 10 October 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or Contact:
Veijo Pohjola
Email: veijo.pohjola [at]

Applicants are sought to fill two Marie Curie fellowships (one Post
Doctoral fellow and one PhD-student fellowship) in ice core glaciology.
The positions are offered by the program NSINK in the Department of
Earth Sciences at Uppsala University.

The NSINK program aims to explore and monitor nitrogen pathways and
processes operating in the High Arctic. The NSINK program is based on 12
Marie Curie fellowships stationed at University of Sheffield
(Coordinator), The Norwegian Polar Institute, Uppsala University,
Innsbruck University, The University Centre on Svalbard (UNIS), and the
British Centre of Ecology and Hydrology. Please go to for further information.

The two-year postdoctoral position, "Ice Core Retrieval and Analysis,"
will focus on retrieving new ice cores from high elevation Svalbard core
sites and conduct their physical and chemical analysis, giving specific
attention to the historic accumulation of nitrogen compounds and
nitrogen isotopes in Svalbard ice fields.

The four-year PhD student position, "Solute Relocation in Firn and
Glacier Ice," will be based at the Svalbard ice core sites and in the
laboratory, developing robust transfer functions that allow inversion of
the ice core record and the documentation of recent environmental
change, nitrogen enrichment and the capacity for ice cores to
discriminate between the various types of atmospheric loading events.

To apply, please send proposals containing a full CV and a letter of
intention. Applicants to the PhD student position must include a list of
courses and corresponding grades. Applications must be received no later
than Friday, 10 October 2008.

Please send applications to:
Veijo Pohjola
Department of Earth Sciences
Uppsala University
Villavagen 16, 752 36
Uppsala, Sweden

Information about Uppsala University, and the Department of Earth
Sciences can be found at:

Further Information about the Uppsala glaciology group and these
positions can be found at:

Please direct all queries to:
Veijo Pohjola
Email: veijo.pohjola [at]