
Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Hudson Bay: New Findings and Directions for Future Study
Arctic Change 2008
Quebec City, Canada
9-12 December 2008

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 26 September 2008

For further information about the conference, please go to:

For further information about this session, please contact one of the
session chairs:
Robie Macdonald
macdonaldrob [at]

Steve Ferguson
FergusonSH [at]

Zou Zou Kuzyk
ZouZou.Kuzyk [at]

Organizers of the session "Hudson Bay: New Findings and Directions for
Future Study," being convened at the Arctic Change 2008 Conference, 9-12
December 2008, in Quebec City Canada, announce a call for papers.

Session Description:
Hudson Bay is a large, estuarine, shelf-like sea at the southern margin
of the Arctic. Given its location, the Bay is in the vanguard of polar
change and likely provides an early-warning sentinel for change in the
Arctic Ocean and its surrounding drainage basins. Indeed, reduction and
change in ice cover seems already underway in Hudson Bay with
consequences for marine mammals, polar bears and marine food web
structure (cod - capelin - murres). Accompanying the change in ice
cover is alteration of river discharge, either directly though water
diversion or indirectly through change in permafrost, wetland processes
and the hydrological cycle. The oceanographic changes that may result
from altered freshwater inputs (both ice and river runoff) are still
largely unknown. However, recently there has been a re-invigorated
research effort to study all aspects of Hudson Bay through large,
multi-year projects like MERICA and ArcticNet. Data emerging from such
studies promise not only to revise what we know about Canada's largest
inland sea, but also to offer timely insights into how the Bay
functions, how it is changing and how it might respond to future change.
In this session we wish to bring together the researchers from diverse
disciplines to present new findings in Hudson Bay, especially as they
pertain to changing systems.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Friday, 26 September 2008. To submit an abstract, please go to:

For further information about the conference, please go to:

For further information about this session, please contact one of the
session chairs:
Robie Macdonald
macdonaldrob [at]

Steve Ferguson
FergusonSH [at]

Zou Zou Kuzyk
ZouZou.Kuzyk [at]