
Second Announcement
Postdoctoral Research Position Available
Circumpolar Flaw Lead - Inuit Knowledge Study
Indigenous Environmental Studies Program
Trent University

This position is open until filled.

For further information, please contact:
Chris Furgal
Email: chrisfurgal [at]
Phone: 705-748-1011 ext 7953

A postdoctoral researcher is being sought to work on an Inuit knowledge
project in the Western Canadian Arctic as part of an International Polar
Year Project. The researcher will work as part of an Inuvialuit research
team investigating the Circumpolar Flaw Lead in the Beaufort Sea from
Inuit and scientific perspectives. Work will include literature review,
community based research (traditional knowledge interviews,
ethnocartography, community based ice monitoring), qualitative analyses
and report writing and editing. Work will be conducted out of Trent
University under the supervision of Professor Chris Furgal, with
colleagues at Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and in the communities of the
Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

Applicants should have strong research skills, written and oral
communication abilities, and have experience working in Arctic
Indigenous communities. Applicants should have completed a PhD in
Biology, Environmental Studies, Geography, Anthropology,
Indigenous/Native Studies or a related discipline and have some
experience working with Traditional Knowledge on environmental issues.
Applicants should be available to begin work as soon as possible.

The position is full time for 2 years. Applications will be accepted
until a suitable candidate is found.

To apply please submit a CV and letter of interest outlining appropriate
experience and expertise to:
Professor Chris Furgal
Indigenous Environmental Studies Program
Trent University
Email: chrisfurgal [at]

To direct all inquiries about the position to:
Chris Furgal
Email: chrisfurgal [at]
Phone: 705-748-1011 ext 7953