
Position Announcement
Ilisimatusarfik, The University of Greenland
Nuuk, Greenland

Application Deadline: Monday, 15 September 2008

For further information, please contact:
Tove Sovndahl Pedersen
Phone: +45-32-8338-36
Email: tsp [at]

Ilisimatusarfik, the University of Greenland, seeks applicants for the
position of Rector. The successful candidate will lead the integration
process between the new professional bachelor educations and the
classical academic disciplines of the university. A competent planning
and a dedication to the continuous facilitation and leadership of the
development of interdisciplinary education and studies are expected. The
rector is contracted for a fixed, minimum 3-year term, with the
possibility of an extension up to 6 years.

The University of Greenland is an integrated research, knowledge, and
education center with a focus on social sciences, humanities,
pedagogies, nursing science, and theology in Greenland. Important and
challenging responsibilities will be given to the incoming Rector.
Ilimmarfik, the new university campus will feature:
- Professional bachelor educations in: teaching, social work,
journalism and nursing;
- Classical university studies: languages, literature and media,
culture and social history, administration, theology, educational
science; and
- National knowledge centers and collections: the Language
Secretariat, The Groenlandica Collection of the National Library,
Statistics Greenland and the National Archive. (These centers and
collections are outside the managerial responsibilities of rector
and the governing board of Ilisimatusarfik.)

The applicant should have documented experience with management and
organization of research and education environments. S/he should have
visionary ideas related to active interaction of the research and
education environment with the surrounding Greenland society, and should
posses an international perspective. An optimal and well-organized
utilization of teaching resources is expected. The applicant should have
excellent strategizing and communication skills as well as sound
analytical and planning skills. S/he should have research competences at
the highest level. Applicants with strong social skills, including
strong abilities for communicating with staff, students as well as the
public at large will be given preference. Good skills in the Greenlandic
language and insight in Greenland affairs, combined with the possession
of an international outlook will be an asset.

To apply, please send an application packet to:
Ilisimatusarfik- Gronlands Universitet
Att. Universitetsdirektor Estrid Janussen
PO Box 1061
DK-3900 Nuuk
Fax: +299-3623-01
Email: esja [at]

The application packet should contain the following:
- Education information
- Current and former employment
- Copies of graduation and academic certificates
- Relevant documentation of research experiences and qualifications
- Management experience
- A written description of the applicant's ideas and thoughts on the
development of Ilisimatusarfik (three pages in A-4 or comparable

The application should be marked: "Rektor" and should reach the
university no later than Monday, 15 September 2008.

Further information about Ilisimatusarfik can be found at:

Please address all further queries to:
Tove Sovndahl Pedersen
Phone: +45-32-8338-36
Email: tsp [at]