
Call for Papers
Aboriginal Policy Research
Institute on Governance
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 30 September 2008

For further information, please contact:
Jodi Bruhn
Institute On Governance
Email: jbruhn [at]

The Aboriginal Policy Research Network, Office of the Federal
Interlocutor for Metis and Non-Status Indians, invites the submission of
proposals for policy-relevant papers. The papers will be published in
partnership with the Institute On Governance as part of the Aboriginal
Policy Research Papers Series.

The Network has a mandate to inform the debate on public policy issues
that affect Metis, non-status Indians and Aboriginal people residing
off-reserve through the production and dissemination of timely research.
The Institute On Governance is a non-profit think tank that provides an
independent source of knowledge, research and advice on governance
issues. Shared interests are in the areas of:
- Demographic trends and shifts and their implications for public
- Governance and administration (including implications of equality
rights for federal/provincial/territorial/First Nations governments,
citizen engagement in governance, and fostering coordination in
governmental responses to Aboriginal peoples);
- Economic and community development (including effective
community/strategic planning, consultation practices for governments
and businesses, access to resources and capital, developing business
partnerships, business administration, education and skills training,
support for entrepreneurship, and the role of women and youth in
economic and community development);
- Social policy (including education, poverty reduction, housing,
physical and mental health, and criminal justice and policing); and
- Environmental policy (including use of traditional knowledge in
environmental decision-making, effective consultation practices for
governments and businesses, integrating environmental considerations
in community and strategic planning, Aboriginal involvement in
environmental monitoring, and management and reclamation in
traditional territories).

Proposals outlining the intended research paper should be approximately
450 words (1.5 pages, 1.5 lines spaced). Proposals selected must result
in policy relevant papers of 4,500 to 9,000 words (15 to 30 pages, 1.5
lines spaced) meeting the standards of university-level scholarship as
well as a summary policy brief of approximately 2,000 words. Submissions
from community practitioners and policy-oriented think tanks are

Once completed, the papers will be subject to a double-blind peer
review. Successful contributions will be compensated with an honorarium.
The papers will be published on the Institute On Governance website and
may also be published in edited volumes addressing common themes.
Authors may be invited to present their work at colloquia and
conferences organized by the Network.

Full papers will be due three months after the proposal selection.
Proposals should be submitted no later than Tuesday, 30 September 2008
for publication in winter/spring 2009.

Please direct all proposals and queries to:
Jodi Bruhn
Institute On Governance
Email: jbruhn [at]