
Proposal Assistance Available
CH2M HILL Polar Services
NSF Arctic Research Opportunities (ARO) Solicitation
NSF Arctic Observing Network (AON) Solicitation
NSF Changing Seasonality in the Arctic System (CSAS) Solicitation


Other CPS Deadlines:
AON - Monday, 8 September 2008
CSAS - Friday, 19 September 2008

For further information, please click on "Proposal Assistance" at the
CPS Web site:

Or contact:
Diana Garcia-Lavigne
Email: diana [at]

An earlier announcement contained a deadline error. The corrected
deadline for proposal assistance from CH2M HILL (CPS) for the Arctic
Research Opportunities (ARO) solicitation is TUESDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2008.

Researchers planning to include a support letter and estimate for
logistics support from CH2M HILL Polar Services (CPS, formerly VECO
Polar Resources) in their proposals under the following National Science
Foundation (NSF) solicitations should contact CPS with a full field plan
no later than the dates listed below:

- NSF Arctic Research Opportunities (ARO) Solicitation (NSF 08-597):
 Tuesday, 28 October 2008
- NSF Arctic Observing Network (AON) Solicitation (NSF 08-579):
 Monday, 8 September 2008
- NSF Changing Seasonality in the Arctic System (CSAS) Solicitation
 (NSF 08-567): Friday, 19 September 2008

Each estimate requires three to six weeks to develop, depending on the
complexity of the proposed fieldwork. Due to the high volume of
requests, CPS will be unable to fulfill proposal estimates received
after the above due dates.

Researchers may submit field plans and support requirements to CPS
Planning Manager Diana Garcia-Lavigne at: diana [at]

Those preparing proposals should closely review the sections titled
"Proposals Involving Arctic Field Work" within the appropriate NSF
solicitation available via links from NSF's Arctic Sciences home page
( ).

As the arctic logistics contractor for NSF, CPS annually provides
transportation, field camps, communications, and infrastructure support
to over 150 projects throughout the Arctic and near-Arctic.

The corrected deadline for proposal assistance for the Arctic Research
Opportunities (ARO) solicitation is TUESDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2008.

For further information, please click on the "Proposal Assistance" link
on the CPS Web site at:

Or contact:
Diana Garcia-Lavigne
Email: diana [at]