
New Book Available
"The Opening of a New Landscape: Columbia Glacier at Mid-retreat"
By Tad Pfeffer
AGU Special Publication Series, Volume 59

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Since the late 1970s, Alaska's Columbia Glacier has been studied
intently, as its fast calving rate was seen as a potential danger to
shipping in Prince Williams Sound. It was soon realized that the
glacier's unusually heavy outpouring of icebergs made it one of the
fastest-receding glaciers in the world, and a major factor determining
the earth's sea level.

"The Opening of a New Landscape: Columbia Glacier at Mid-retreat," by
Tad Pfeffer, represents not only a valuable contribution to the
scientific literature, but also a history of exploration and a
stunningly beautiful photographic record of one of the most studied
glaciers on the face of the earth. By recording the retreat of the
Columbia Glacier, not just during the years of the author's study of it,
but over centuries, Pfeffer brings us a balanced presentation of the
changing climate's deleterious effect on one of our most valuable water
resources and the paradoxical opening of a new landscape of fauna and
flora freed by the retreating ice.

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