
Graduate Student Scholarship Available
Laboratory of Soil Environmental Toxicology
University of Saskatchewan

For further information, please contact:
Steven Siciliano
Email: steven.siciliano [at]
Phone: 306-966-4035

The Laboratory of Soil Environmental Toxicology, at the University of
Saskatchewan, seeks a Master's candidate to participate in a study
investigating the toxicological risk to northern people's from
contaminated soils. The successful candidate will characterize the
distribution of contaminants in soil particles that adhere to hands.
This contaminant distribution is currently unknown and may significantly
alter the risk associated with northern brownfields.

The ideal candidate will have a strong analytical background and be
interested in either toxicology or soil science. S/He will be strongly
encouraged to reside in a northern location for a least a four month
period to liaise with the community and monitor inhalation and ingestion
exposure routes during this period. Candidates should be willing to
start in the fall of 2008 or early winter 2009. Outstanding candidates
who wish to pursue a PhD linked with this project will also be

The University of Saskatchewan is one of Canada's largest centers for
toxicology and soil science research. With a combined graduate student
complement of 100 students, the toxicology and soil science faculty are
a diverse group of researchers interested in all aspects of how
pollution affects humans and ecosystems and how this pollution can be
monitored, assessed, and managed.

Candidates should expect to be trained in a wide range of analytical
technique as well as solid-state speciation techniques through the
Canadian Light Source located on the University of Saskatchewan campus.

Interested candidates should peruse the laboratory website at:

For further information and directions on how to apply, please contact:
Steven Siciliano
Email: steven.siciliano [at]
Phone: 306-966-4035