
Graduate Student Scholarships and Post-Doc Fellowship Available
Inuit Environmental Health and Changing Environments
Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments
Quebec, Canada

Application Deadline: Monday, 15 September 2008

For further information, please contact:
Susie Bernier, MSc
Phone: 418-656-4141, ext. 46516#
Email: susie.bernier [at]

The Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments invites
applications for graduate student scholarships and a post-doctoral
fellowship. Applications are invited from post-doctorates and graduate
students whose research focuses on an issue related to one or more of
the 3 Nasivvik Centre themes: food, water, and/or natural / traditional
medicines and remedies as they pertain to community responses to
environmental change, and issues related to Inuit health and well-being.
The awards are open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of

The Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments is a
multidisciplinary research and training center within the Public Health
Research Unit, CHUL Research Centre (Laval University). Nasivvik Centre
is focused on building capacity in Inuit health research through trainee
support, and promoting research in specific areas of Inuit environmental

The post-doctoral fellowship calls for projects linked to Inuit health
and changing environments. The nature and quality of the proposed
research and training must meet the following criteria:
- Fit with key themes of the Nasivvik Centre;
- Incorporate strong community interest (as demonstrated in letter
of support);
- Include a level of community participation and training in the
research program (if research assistants or trainees will be
involved please indicate number and names if possible of Inuit
trainees and process for training / involvement in project);
- Include an innovative community approach; and
- Be highly organized and feasible (scientifically and within the

The graduate student scholarship calls for projects in Inuit
environmental health. The proposed research must be innovative and of
high quality and must meet the following criteria:
- Fit with key themes of Nasivvik Centre;
- Have strong community interest (as demonstrated in the letter of
support); and
- Include community involvement in the project (training,
participation etc.).
Applicants must be independent, possess strong critical thinking and
organizational skills, and have proven research abilities.

To apply for either the post-doctoral fellowship or the graduate
scholarships, please contact Susie Bernier, MSc for complete application
Phone: 418-656-4141, ext. 46516#
Email: susie.bernier [at]

Three (3) complete copies of the application and attachments must be
received, no later than Monday, 15 September 2008, at 5 p.m. Eastern
Time by:
Nasivvik Coordinator
c/o Dr Chris Furgal
Department of Indigenous Studies
Trent University
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, ON
K9J 7B8
Tel: 705-748-1011, ext. 7953
Fax: 705-748-1416
Email: chrisfurgal [at]

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.