
Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Rapid Arctic Environment Change
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting
15-19 December 2008
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 September 2008

For further information, please go to:

Papers are invited for Session C28: "Rapid Arctic Environment Change"
being convened at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting on
15-19 December 2008 in San Francisco, California.

Session Description:
The extent of Arctic perennial sea ice was reduced by another million
square kilometers between the winters of 2007 and 2008 with seasonal ice
occupying the North Pole region in mid-winter for the first time in the
observational record. There were major warm temperature anomalies in the
central Arctic in fall 2007 and accelerated ice drift along the
Transpolar Drift Stream in spring and summer 2007. Many impellent
science issues remain: Is the summer ice extent more influenced by
initial conditions or by summer forcing? What is the relative role of
dynamics, thermodynamics, and feedbacks in Arctic ice reduction? Will
the current change continue, accelerate, or decelerate? Has Arctic
change crossed into a new state or can it be reversed? What are the
regional and global impacts? Fortunately, the International Polar Year
program has been ongoing with international research efforts providing
new and crucial results on Arctic change and its impacts. In this
regard, this session calls for presentations on 2007-2008 Arctic change,
the historical context of recent change, predictions of change, and
impacts of Arctic change on ocean, land, and atmosphere.

For abstract submission procedures and instructions, please go to:

For session information, please go to:

Son V. Nghiem
Phone: 818-354-2982
Email: Son.V.Nghiem [at]

James E. Overland
Phone: 206-526-6795
Email: James.E.Overland [at]

James Morison
Phone: 206-543-1394
Email: morison [at]

John Walsh
Phone: 907-474-2677
Email: walsh [at]