
Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Satellite Geodesy of the Polar Oceans
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting
15-19 December 2008
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 September 2008

For further information please go to:

Papers are invited for Session C23: "Satellite Geodesy of the Polar
Oceans" being convened at the AGU Fall Meeting on 15-19 December 2008 in
San Francisco, California.

Session Description:
New satellite geodetic techniques and observations are providing
unprecedented views of the polar oceans, their ice cover as well as the
topography and tectonic fabric of the seafloor below. Satellite
altimeter measurements of ice and snow elevation from radar and laser
systems, such as Envisat and ICESat are providing wide area, continuous,
information on ice thickness changes. Satellite measurements of sea
surface topography and gravity for example from GRACE offer the
potential for significant advances in our understanding of the Polar
Oceans, particularly when combined with in-situ observations. Marine
gravity fields from satellite altimetry as well as satellite and surface
gravimetry are also providing new maps of the tectonic structure and
bathymetry of the poorly mapped polar oceans. The current satellite
capabilities will be significantly enhanced in the near future with the
launch of new missions such as GOCE, CryoSat-2 and IceSat-2. We welcome
contributions on all aspects of satellite geodesy of the polar oceans
with emphasis on applications of these data to science problems in the
areas of oceanography, the marine cryosphere and tectonics.

For abstract submission procedures and instructions, please go to:

For session information, please go to:

Seymour Laxon
Phone: +44-207-679-3932
Email: swl [at]

Ron Kwok
Phone: 818-354-5614
ron.kwok [at]

David McAdoo
Phone: 301-713-2857
Email: Dave.McAdoo [at]

Andy Shepherd
Phone: +44-131-651-4345
Email: Andrew.Shepherd [at]