
Call for Sessions
3rd Nordic Geographers Meeting (NGM09)
Turku, Finland
8-11 June 2009

For further information and to submit a session suggestion, please go

Or contact:
Jukka Kayhko
Email: ngm09 [at]
Phone: +358-2-333-5593

Organizers of the 3rd Nordic Geographers Meeting (NGM09) announce a call
for sessions. The meeting will be held in Turku, Finland, 8-11 June
2009. The theme of the conference is "Change - Society, Environment and
Science in Transition." Interested participants are invited to
participate in the meeting by suggesting a session or by presenting a
paper or poster.

Meeting organization is currently in the early planning stages.
Conference organizers are inviting suggestions for session topics. To
contribute a session suggestion, please select the "Suggest Session"
link on the side panel at the conference website and fill in the
subsequent form. The website will be updated regularly as the planning

For further information and to submit a session suggestion, please go

Or contact:
Jukka Kayhko
Email: ngm09 [at]
Phone: +358-2-333-5593