
PhD Fellowships Available
Marine Climate and Ecosystem Around the Faroes
The Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation
Copenhagen, Denmark

Application Deadline: Friday, 26 September 2008

For further information, please go to:…

Or contact:
Kirsten Caning
Phone: +45-7248-8103
Email: kec [at]

The Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation invites
applications for four PhD fellowships for research into the marine
climate and ecosystem around the Faroes. The fellowships will be awarded
following consultation with a steering group, appointed by the Faroese
Fisheries Research Laboratory and the Danish Natural Science Research
Council. The deadline for applications is 3.00 p.m. on Friday, 26
September 2008.

The four fellowships are available in the following research themes:
1. The physical linkage between the global climate and marine currents
near the Faroes
2. Climate model scenarios for the Faroes
3. The influence of climate and marine currents on the oceanic
ecosystems and pelagic fish stock in the areas around the Faroes
4. The influence of climate and marine currents on the marine ecosystem
on the Faroese shelf

To be eligible for these fellowships, applicants must hold a Master's
level degree. Funding will be awarded as a framework grant, meaning that
it is not possible to apply for supplementary grants. Applicants may
petition for:
- Stipend funding (salary during the project)
- "Taximeter" funding (for university program costs)
- Travel allowances
- Special research costs (e.g., measuring instruments, research tools,

The application must be submitted in Danish or English on the
appropriate application form. Please fill in the following spaces:
1. Social security number of applicant (if applicable)
2. Name of applicant
3. Occupation and education
5. Location for carrying out the project. Please specify the enrolling
6. Private address
7. Project title
10. Grant sought from the Council/Program. Please quote the grand total
of the budget in enclosure number 4
15. Brief project description, suitable for publication
Signature and stamp of the enrolling university
19. List of appendices
Signature of applicant

The application must be accompanied by the following appendices:
- A project description containing a work plan (including a plan for the
time to be spent on the Faroes), a scientific plan, descriptions of
supervision and national and international collaboration, and details of
the supervisor, any co-supervisors and contact persons at the host
- The applicant's CV, publications list and examination certificate(s)
if available, and abstract of Master's dissertation
- Acceptance from the university at which it is intended the applicant
will be enrolled (must be a university in Denmark or in the Faroes)
- Detailed budget
- Supervisor's CV
- Assessment criteria

Applications will be judged on the basis of an overall assessment, which
will take into account the following elements: the applicant's
scientific qualifications, a general assessment of the scientific
quality of the PhD project, the total organization and management of the
PhD fellowship, with regard to ensuring a high scientific standard and
an international research environment, and the significance of the
project for marine research on the Faroes.

The Application Form can be obtained by email, (kec [at], by phone
(+45-7248-8103), or from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and
Innovation website

Applications must be submitted on paper, signed, with the application
form at the front and with no cover, and electronically, as a PDF file
(application form and all appendices as one file) attached in an email
sent to:
Kirsten Caning
Email: kec [at]

Please send paper applications to:
Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen
Bredgade 40
DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Att: specialkonsulent Kirsten Caning

All applications, paper and electronic, must be received no later than
3:00 p.m. on Friday, 26 September 2008.
Applications will be rejected without substantive consideration if the
deadlines and other requirements stated in this call are not observed,
or if the application form is not completed correctly.

Further information about research themes, application procedures and
how to get an application form is posted at the web site:…

Please address any additional queries to:
Kirsten Caning
Phone: +45-7248-8103
Email: kec [at]