
ARCUS Arctic Researcher and Graduate Student Travel Grant Opportunity
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
(SACNAS) Annual National Conference
9-12 October 2008
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Application Deadline: Friday, 11 July 2008, 5pm Alaska Daylight Time

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Kristin Timm
Email: kristin [at]

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) is accepting
applications for limited travel funds for up to 5 interested arctic
researchers or graduate students to participate in networking and
mentoring opportunities at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and
Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Annual National Conference, which
will be held 9-12 October 2008, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The theme of
the 2008 SACNAS National Conference is International Polar Year: Global
Change in Our Communities. The NSF Office of Polar Programs (NSF award
ARC-0618885) provides funding for this opportunity.

More information on the SACNAS National Conference, including
registration and a preliminary agenda, is available at

The travel grant competition is open to arctic researchers and graduate
students at U.S. universities and institutions who work in a field
related to arctic science or arctic science education. Grants could
include airfare, lodging, registration and/or per diem. Sources of
additional or in-kind support can be listed on the application.

Successful applicants will be expected to:
* Conduct at least 2 hours of networking and outreach at the ARCUS
booth in the conference exhibit hall (Friday 12-6 pm, Saturday 9 am-12pm)
* Attend the IPY Forum (Thursday, 9 October 8:00 am-12:00 pm)
* Attend the IPY Reception (Date and Time TBD)
* Attend IPY "Conversations with Scientists"
(Thursday, 9 October 7:00 pm-8:15 pm)
* Participate in the conference evaluation (ongoing)
* Volunteer to judge undergraduate/graduate student oral or
poster presentations
Details at:…
* Volunteer for the SACNAS National Conference Mentor Program
Details at:…

Priority will be given to researchers with an interest in or experience
mentoring underrepresented students or working at minority serving
institutions. Special consideration may be given to researchers seeking
potential graduate students, participating in mentoring or making
presentations. Successful candidates will clearly express specific
contributions they can make to the conference, and how this experience
will benefit their lab, students, and institution.

To apply, download and email the completed application and a current CV,
no later than Friday, 11 July 2008 to:
Kristin Timm
Kristin [at]
The application form can be found at:

Notification of awards will be made by Thursday, 31 July 2008.

For further information, please contact:
Kristin Timm
E-mail: Kristin [at]