
Call for 2008 September Sea Ice Outlooks: Input for the June Outlook Report

Submission deadline: Thursday, 3 July 2008

For further information on the Sea Ice Outlook, please go to:

To submit an outlook to be included in the June report or for further
information, please send an email with the subject heading "2008 Outlook" to:
James Overland
Email: james.e.overland [at]

The organizers of the 2008 Sea Ice Outlook are now soliciting outlook
submissions, based on June 2008 data, to be included in this month's Sea
Ice Outlook report.

The SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook is an international effort to provide an
integrated, community-wide summary of the state of arctic sea ice over
the 2008 summer season. The Sea Ice Outlook effort produces monthly
reports based on an open and inclusive process that synthesizes input
from a broad range of scientific perspectives. The first monthly report
for May integrated 19 individual outlooks from the international
research community; the May report can be found at:

The organizers would like to thank those who participated in the May
report and solicit additional participants for the June report. To
participate, please send an email no later than Thursday, 3 July, with
the subject line "2008 Outlook" to James Overland at:
james.e.overland [at] In the email, please include the following

1) Names of scientist(s) contributing outlook content.
2) Estimate of sea ice extent for the month of September 2008 (the value
for September 2007 was 4.3 million square kilometers).
3) Principal method (e.g., numerical model, statistical model,
comparison to 2007 weather and satellite data, etc.). Keep this short,
as this information will go into a table for the final report.
4) A short (several sentences) summary of the primary physical reasoning
behind the estimate of September sea ice extent (provided in #2).
5) Any expanded information with figures that support #4.
6) Any information on regional sea ice conditions or outlooks.

It is very important to maintain monthly continuity; if you participated
in last month's report and do not have any changes based on June data,
at a minimum please send an email to James Overland with the message "No
Changes" and any further comments you wish to include.

These responses and a summary will be posted in early July on the Sea
Ice Outlook Website at the SEARCH Project Office:

We look forward to your participation in this exciting community-wide
science effort!