
First Announcement
16th Annual Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
23-25 September 2008

For further information, please contact
Jason Stow
Email: stowj [at]

The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) announces its 16th Annual NCP
Results Workshop, to be held 23-25 September 2008, at the Explorer Hotel
in beautiful downtown Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. This year's
Results Workshop is being co-hosted by the Northwest Territories
Regional Contaminants Committee (NWTRCC) and promises to be an event
that will attract northerners from across the Canadian Arctic. A major
theme for the workshop will be communicating the results of research in
a way that is accessible and meaningful to a non-technical, and largely
northern-based audience. The planning committee hopes to include a
number of cultural side-events, including a reception at the Prince of
Wales Cultural Centre.

A small working group has been established to develop a detailed agenda,
including a list of invited presenters. Formal poster sessions will also
be a key part of the workshop agenda, and will provide an excellent
opportunity for participants to present their work. Invited speakers
will be contacted over the coming weeks.

At this time, the organizers ask you to mark your calendar for what will
be an important workshop in the north. Further information and
announcements will be provided in the weeks and months to come.

For further information, please contact:
Jason Stow
Phone: 204-774-6476
Email: stowj [at]