
Travel Student Scholarships Available
Geosciences and Polar Science Students
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
(SACNAS) Annual Meeting
International Polar Year: Global Change in Our Communities
Salt Lake City, Utah
9-12 October 2008

Student Travel Scholarship Submission Deadline: Thursday, 17 July 2008
Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 1 August 2008

For further information, please contact:
Bryana Britts
Email: Bryana [at]

Nick Mucha
Email: Nick [at]

Organizers of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native
Americans in Science (SACNAS) meeting invite abstracts for student
travel scholarships and poster and oral presentations at the upcoming
meeting, to be held 9-12 October, 2008, in Salt Lake City, Utah. To be
eligible, applicants must be a student in polar or geosciences.

Oral and poster research presentations are a fundamental component of
the SACNAS National Conference. Year after year presenters from
community colleges to major research institutions continue to impress
their audiences with the quality of their research and presentation. The
professional scientific setting provides undergraduate and graduate
students an opportunity to share their research and receive feedback
from renowned scientists, peers, and judges.

International Polar Year (IPY) and Global Climate Change is the theme of
this year's conference. The organizers highly encourage students doing
research in these areas to submit abstracts. Polar sciences are dynamic
and interdisciplinary and the organizers hope to have a broad
representation of students and research areas.

Abstract guidelines and submission requirements are available online at:…

The deadline for student travel scholarships is Thursday, 17 July 2008.
The deadline for research abstracts is Friday, 1 August 2008.

For further information, please contact:
Bryana Britts
Email: Bryana [at]

Nick Mucha
Email: Nick [at]