
New Book Available
Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology Number 7: Towards an
Archaeology of the Nain Region, Labrador
By Bryan C. Hood. Edited by W. Fitzhugh

For more information and to order a copy of the book, please go to:

A new book is now available from the Smithsonian National Museum of
Natural History, Arctic Studies Center: "Toward an Archaeology of the
Nain Region, Labrador," by Bryan C. Hood. Hood reports on research in
Maritime Archaic, Pre-Dorset, Dorset and Labrador Inuit sites carried
out in the 1980s-90s. The focus is on analysis of the Nukususutok-5
Maritime Archaic site collections and settlement data using K-means,
correspondence, and other methods. Hood's model study is an extensive
contribution to Northern Labrador culture history and will be of
interest to a wide audience for its comprehensive application of method
and theory.

For more information and to order a copy of the book, please go to: