
PhD Positions Available
Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences
Global Change in the Marine Realm (GLOMAR)
Bremen, Germany

Application Deadline: Friday, 1 August 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Dierk Hebbeln
Email: glomar [at]

The University of Bremen International Graduate School for Marine
Sciences - Global Change in the Marine Realm (GLOMAR) invites
applications for four PhD positions. Funded by the Excellence Initiative
of the German federal and state governments this graduate school aims at
educating young scientists in the field of marine sciences. Within a
global-change framework projects encompass the natural sciences as well
as the humanities. Besides becoming experts in their special field the
PhD students will acquire a solid background across many disciplines of
marine sciences.

The PhD projects will be structured into four research areas: ocean and
climate, coastal zone processes, marine ecology and biogeochemistry, and
challenges to society.

Candidates holding a Master or diploma degree are encouraged to submit a
self-designed PhD project, of three years duration, related to one of
the four research areas. With the expected start date of 1 November
2008, these projects should be in line with present marine research
topics covered by the graduate school.

Applicants should submit a letter of motivation, their CV, an outline of
their self-designed PhD project (max. 1000 words), and the application
form (all combined into one PDF document). Please submit all application
materials and any additional queries by email, citing reference number
"A 88/08" to:
Professor Dierk Hebbeln
Email: glomar [at]

Applications are also requested to arrange for two letters of reference
to be sent to the same email address. The deadline for applications is
Friday, 1 August 2008.

Applicants and research proposals dealing with the social sciences
(including history, law, sociology, anthropology, etc.) are highly