
Post-Doctoral Position Available
Silicon Isotope Biogeochemistry in the Arctic
University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada

Application deadline: 30 September 2008

For further information, please contact:
Diana Varela
Email: dvarela [at]
Phone: 250-472-5425

The Department of Biology and the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, at
the University of Victoria, in Canada, invite applications for a
postdoctoral research position to conduct research on natural variations
of silicon isotopes in arctic waters and silicon isotopic fractionation
by polar marine phytoplankton.

The successful candidate will work within the framework of a Canadian
Arctic Project: IPY-Geotraces. The candidate will join an arctic
oceanographic expedition to the Canada Basin in August-September 2009.
This position will provide opportunities for seagoing and laboratory
studies, and integration of field and lab-based results. The candidate
will interact with a multidisciplinary team of researchers from
universities and institutions across Canada and abroad.

Qualified post-doctoral candidates should have expertise in
biogeochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry and be familiar with
phytoplankton research.

Candidates are encouraged to apply before 30 September 2008, but the
position will remain open until it is filled. The successful candidate
should be able to start before March 2009.

Applicants should submit a CV, indicating qualifications, previous
experience, and names of referees to:
Diana Varela
Email: dvarela [at]
Department of Biology & School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
PO Box 3020, Stn. CSC
Victoria, BC V8N 3C5
Phone: 250-472-5425