
PhD Student and Postdoctoral Positions Available
Terrestrial Ecology
University of Turku

Application Deadline: Thursday, 31 July 2008

For further information, please contact:
Mikhail V. Kozlov
Email: mikoz [at]
Phone: +358-2-3335716

The University of Turku, in Finland, announces positions for two PhD
students and two postdoctoral researchers in terrestrial ecology.

The PhD student positions and one postdoctoral research position will be
part of the "Impact of Endemic Insect Herbivory on Structure and
Productivity of Vegetation in Northern Europe Under a Changing Climate"
project. This project aims at exploring the effects of endemic herbivory
(i.e., outside the years of extreme density increases of outbreaking
species) on growth, productivity, and competitive interactions of
principal forest-forming trees (e.g., Scots pine, Norway spruce, White
and Silver Birches) in the Barents region. Within this project, the PhD
student will concentrate on manipulative studies addressing the effects
of simulated and natural herbivory on plant growth and the outcome of
competition between selected tree species. The postdoctoral researcher
will explore potential effects of climate-driven changes in the endemic
herbivory on vegetation structure and ecosystem parameters, such as net
primary production, carbon fluxes and albedo, by using the dynamic
ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS with parameterizations based on empirical

The second postdoctoral position will be part of the "Relationships
Between Basic Structural and Functional Properties of Terrestrial
Ecosystems: Changes Caused by Industrial Pollution" project. This
project aims to explore impact of point polluters on
diversity-productivity relationships in forest ecosystems. The selected
researcher will focus on the productivity of forest ecosystems in
pollution gradients. S/He will summarize the existing (published and
unpublished) knowledge and participate in fieldwork (primarily around
Harjavalta, Finland).

For further information, and to apply, please contact:
Mikhail V. Kozlov
Section of Ecology
University of Turku
Turku 20014
Email: mikoz [at]
Phone: +358-2-3335716
Fax: +358-2-3336550

The application deadline is: Thursday, 31 July 2008.