
Special Session Announcement
"Quaternary Beringia and Adjacent Oceans-The Key to Recent Change"
Arctic Division of AAAS Science Meeting
Fairbanks, Alaska
15-17 September 2008

Abstract deadline: 1 August 2008

For further information, on the Arctic Division of the AAAS Science
Meeting, please go to:

Or contact:
Nancy Bigelow
Director, Alaska Quaternary Center
Phone: 907-474-5433
Email: ffnhb [at]
Fax: 907-474-5101

To celebrate the Alaska Quaternary Center (AQC)'s 25th anniversary, the
AQC board of directors is organizing a session to be held at the Arctic
Division of the AAAS meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska, to be held 15-17
September. The session, "Quaternary Beringia and Adjacent Oceans-The Key
to Recent Change" will focus on current Quaternary research in the
region, especially as it relates to past climates and environments.

The Quaternary, currently the past 2.6 million years, provides a natural
laboratory for understanding and predicting recent and future change.
Because the procession of change and the resiliency of cultural and
natural systems is unknown, data from previous warm and cold episodes as
well as transition periods are extremely important. The purpose of this
session is to highlight the broad spectrum of current Quaternary
research in the region, especially as it relates to past
climates/environments. Quaternary studies have entered a new phase
that addresses questions such as contemporeneity, interactions between
systems, and complex responses to climate change. This session will
provide a venue to explore these topics as well as to introduce new
sites and data. The organizers welcome submissions that focus on either
the natural or cultural realms, especially as they relate to past
climates and environments.

Abstract submissions are invited for either papers or posters.
Submissions in paleoecology, archaeology, paleoceanography, Quaternary
geology, and related fields are welcome. Speakers will be given 15
minutes for their presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions.

To submit an abstract, please go to the meeting home page: and click on the online abstract
submission link at the bottom of the page. Be sure to note in the
additional information/comments box (at the end of the page) that the
abstract should be placed in the AQC session. Abstracts are due 1 August

Please direct questions about this session to:
Nancy Bigelow
Director, Alaska Quaternary Center
Phone: 907-474-5433
Email: ffnhb [at]
Fax: 907-474-5101

For further information, on the Arctic Division of the AAAS Science
Meeting, please go to: