
Draft Science Plan Status Announcement
Scientific Ice Expedition (SCICEX) Science Advisory Committee

The SCICEX Science Advisory Committee (SAC) held a working meeting on 24
April 2008 in Arlington, VA. The primary objective of the meeting was
to continue work on a draft science plan. The centerpiece of the
science plan will be a prioritized list of science data collection
activities to serve as guidance in the planning of SCICEX accommodation
cruises. During an accommodation cruise, baseline scientific data may
be collected on a not-to-interfere basis.

The SAC plans to release a draft of the science plan in early September,
opening a month-long window for reviews and comments. The draft plan
will be made available to the community via the internet. An open
meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2008 Fall AGU, which will
provide an opportunity for further discussion of the SCICEX Science

If you have comments or questions related to SCICEX, please contact a
committee member:

Jackie Richter-Menge, SAC Chair
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Jacqueline.A.Richter-Menge [at]

Tim Boyd
Scottish Association for Marine Science
tim.boyd [at]

Margo Edwards
University of Hawaii
margo [at]

Ray Sambrotto
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
sambrott [at]

Bill Smethie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
bsmeth [at]

Terry Tucker
Enfield, New Hampshire
terry.tucker [at]

Mark Wensnahan
University of Washington, Seattle
thinice [at]