
Conference Announcement
16th Annual Arctic Conference
Barrow, Alaska
2-4 October 2008

For more information, please contact:
Anne Jensen
Phone: 907-852-3050
Email: anne.jensen [at]

The 16th Annual Arctic Conference will be held in Barrow, Alaska, the
farthest north city in the United States. Meetings will take place in
Barrow's new science support facility, 2-4 October 2008. Students are
especially encouraged to present thesis and dissertation research
findings in a collegial atmosphere that includes senior archaeologists,
anthropologists, ecologists, and geologists who gather once a year to
share data and new findings and to plan collaborative research
activities. Limited support is available for students who are
presenting papers.

The conference timing has been chosen to maximize the probability of
coinciding with fall whaling. Tours of the 1881-1883 International
Polar Year (IPY) site, of the Inupiat Heritage Center, and of active
climate change research sites will be available. Adventurous
participants may have the opportunity to snow-machine to Point Barrow,
where the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas meet and where the National Science
Foundation (NSF) has a large multi-year archaeological project underway.

For further information and to submit an abstract, please contact:

Anne Jensen
Phone: 907-852-3050
Email: anne.jensen [at]