
New Regulations Announcement
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS)

Enforcement begins: 25 September 2008

For further information, please click the "Transportation Worker
Identification Credentials (TWIC)" at:

Or email the UNOLS Office:

office [at]

The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), the
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC), and the Research Vessel
Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC) announce the implementation of
Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC). The new
regulations will be enforced beginning 25 September 2008.

The TWIC is designed to be a security measure that will ensure the
security of the nation's maritime transportation system. Sea-going
scientists working on research vessels with Vessel Security Plans (VSPs)
or needing access to restricted facilities will be considered
transportation workers and will need to hold a TWIC card in order to be
allowed "unescorted access" to these areas.

Within the UNOLS community, Woods Hole, Scripps, Harbor Branch, and the
University of Hawaii operate marine facilities that have approved
Facility Security Plans (FSPs). In all cases, vessels and facilities
have secure and restricted areas where it is necessary to have
permission for access. A TWIC card will be required for unescorted
access to secure facilities and restricted areas after 25 September

Many UNOLS institutions will offer assistance to their scientific
personnel in order to facilitate obtaining a TWIC. Check with your
marine facilities personnel, or with the UNOLS office for assistance.

For further information, click the "Transportation Worker Identification
Credentials (TWIC)" at:

Or email the UNOLS Office with your questions:
office [at]