
Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunity
Toolik Field Station, Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks

First Review of Applications: Friday, 4 April 2008

For more information, and to apply, please go to:

Or Contact:
Syndonia Bret-Harte
Email: ffmsb [at]

The University of Alaska Fairbanks announces an undergraduate summer
research opportunity. The Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB) seeks
enthusiastic undergraduates and recent college graduates who are
interested in summer field research in Alaska. The overall objective of
the research program is to understand the ecosystem and global
consequences of potential future changes in arctic vegetation.
Successful applicants will assist with fieldwork at the tussock tundra
site and laboratory work consisting of tasks such as plant sorting and
data entry. In addition, successful applicants will attend weekly
seminars on the research at the station, will develop their own
individual research projects on a topic related to the program and their
own interests, and will present their work at an informal symposium at
Toolik Field Station. Applicants will be based at Toolik Field Station,
north of the Brooks Range in arctic Alaska (

Two positions are available; each pays a stipend of $440 per week
(before taxes). These positions are open only to US citizens who are
currently undergraduates or have graduated after December 2007. Both
positions will begin in June and end in late August 2008.

Classroom background in plant ecology, botany, ecosystem ecology,
statistics, and computer science would be an advantage. Laboratory, data
analysis, and remote fieldwork experience is preferred. Applicants
should have skills with plant identification, data collecting and
recording, data manipulation in Excel, and data analysis. Applicants
must be willing to work in the field, occasionally under adverse weather
conditions. Competent, careful, emotionally mature, and enthusiastic
people are encouraged to apply. A valid US Driver's license is required,
and successful applicants must provide a copy of their social security
card at the time of employment.

The focus of this experiment is to understand the mechanisms by which
winter processes affect the summer growth of vegetation. This project
will improve the understanding of land surface changes currently
occurring in the Arctic, and their potential impacts on climate.

Applicants must submit a cover letter that explains his/her interest in
the program and how it fits into his/her long-term education and career
goals. Candidates must also submit a CV or resume and the names,
telephone numbers, and email addresses of three professional references.

To apply, please go to:

Applications will be reviewed beginning April 4, 2008.

For more information, please contact:
Syndonia Bret-Harte
Email: ffmsb [at]