
Three Positions Available
Sea Ice Physics, Remote Sensing, and Physical Oceanography
Norwegian Polar Institute

Application Deadline: Friday, 9 May 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:

Sebastian Gerland
Phone: +47-77-75-05-54
E-Mail: sebastian.gerland [at]

Ole Anders Nost
Phone: +47-77-75-05-13
E-mail: ole.anders.nost [at]

Nalan Koc
Phone: +47-77-75-06-54
E-mail: nalan.koc [at]

The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) announces three full time, permanent
research positions in sea ice physics, remote sensing and physical
oceanography. NPI is Norway's main institution for polar environmental
research, environmental monitoring, mapping and expeditions to the polar
regions. The Institute reports to Norway's Ministry of the Environment
and is a liaison and service as well as advisory body for national and
international polar research.

Satellite and submarine observations reveal that the arctic sea ice
cover is shrinking and thinning at a rapid rate, and understanding the
arctic cryosphere is a high priority of NPI's climate research. The
Polar Climate Program of the NPI in Tromso is, therefore, strengthening
its research capabilities within the general field of sea ice and
ice-ocean interactions. Candidates with a strong background in physics,
mathematics, and good programming skills are strongly encouraged to
apply. Experience from Arctic cruises or fieldwork is also an asset.

Sea Ice Scientist - Arctic Physical Environment
The successful applicant will conduct work related to quantitative
estimates of past, present, and future changes of the arctic physical
sea ice environment. Specifically, research and monitoring connected to
sea ice changes (e.g. thickness, extent, drift, feedback processes) in
the Fram Strait, will be central in the scientific long-term activities
in the position. A close collaboration with the sea-ice physicists and
oceanographers working on related projects in NPI's Polar Climate
Program is expected. Furthermore, close collaboration with scientists
outside NPI dealing with both changes of the physical sea ice
environment, and ecological and socio-economical impacts of sea ice
changes will be important.

Ice and Snow Scientist - Remote Sensing
The successful applicant will conduct work related to the cryosphere in
the Arctic, sea ice extent, concentration, type and thickness, sea-ice
dynamics, and the monitoring of Svalbard glaciers using modern satellite
remote sensing (Envisat, Radarsat, CryoSat-2, MODIS, Quickscat).

Physical Oceanographer
The successful applicant will conduct research on the large-scale ocean
circulation and ocean climate in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean. A
central topic will be the circulation and spreading of Atlantic Water in
the Arctic Ocean, and its relation to sea ice concentration and melting.
The research will include theoretical analysis in combination with
observations in order to gain insight into the large-scale Arctic Ocean
processes. NPI's data from monitoring in the Fram Strait and other data
collected during the International Polar Year will be central.

For further information, please go to:

Inquiries about the position may be directed to:
Sebastian Gerland
Phone: +47-77-75-05-54
E-Mail: sebastian.gerland [at]

Ole Anders Nost
Phone: +47-77-75-05-13
E-mail: ole.anders.nost [at]

Nalan Koc
Phone: +47-77-75-06-54
E-mail: nalan.koc [at]

The application deadline for all three positions is Friday, 9 May 2008.
Applicants should include a CV, names of references, a list of
publications, and details of relevant qualifications and experience. NPI
prefers that an electronic application be submitted at
If this is not feasible paper copies may be sent before the deadline to:
The Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Environmental Centre
9296 Tromso, Norway